Words of endorsement. . .

Words of endorsement. . .

  • “The music of the past and of the present are synthesized in her. The music of Sinai and the coffee house and the kibbutz. All of them are important to our eclectic vision. Not only does she make beautiful music, but she arouses song in the hearts of Jews of all ages – she brings out the music in us. . . . She is, in a true sense of the word, a Bat Kol – a daughter of the divine voice.”

    — Rabbi Joshua Hammerman

  • "Cantor Katie officiated my father’s monument unveiling and my daughter’s Hebrew baby naming coincidentally one year apart to the day. The coincidence and all of the details surrounding these lifecycle events felt like Beshert, as Cantor Katie filled them with song, symbolism, and spirituality. It truly felt like the completion of a cycle, as Cantor Katie performed the ceremony that would name my daughter in Hebrew after her late grandmother and grandfather. Cantor Katie spent a great deal of time discussing all potential names that would suit our sweet little girl and her sweet soul. We landed on a name that felt so right and was the perfect combination of my parent’s Hebrew names. Cantor Katie brings divinity and heart into everything she touches and our family feels blessed to have had her council and beautiful voice as part of these two events in our lives."

    — Hope Carr

  • "Cantor Katie Kaplan met us after my beloved husband was diagnosed with terminal illness. She accompanied our family on the journey through illness, loss, bereavement and healing with spiritual support, blessings in person and on Zoom, and above all, loving kindness."

    — Deena Engel Kaplan

  • "We approached Cantor Katie to lead our baby naming ceremony because of her unique ability to make moments special with her passion and love of Torah and music."

    — Ilana and Rigel Janette

  • "Cantor Katie is an extraordinary spiritual leader, a compassionate clergy member, and someone who generously shares her special musical gifts to uplift and bring joy to everyone around her. This year, within a period of just six months, Cantor Katie supported our family through the loss of a parent, and then celebrated with us by officiating at a joyous wedding ceremony. She has the ability to instinctively know how to infuse Jewish tradition, ritual, music and compassion into every life cycle event. Cantor Katie thoroughly embodies the traditions of Ruach and Nefesh into everything she does. In addition, Cantor Katie has a unique spiritual aura which is both compelling and calming, and well used in her Meditation and Guided Imagery sessions, which bring participants to a higher level of awareness, calmness and introspection, all within a Jewish context."

    — Juli Harris Sekuler and Scott Sekuler

Have a testimonial to share?

If you’ve worked with Cantor Katie in any capacity and would like to share reflections on the process or experience, please share here.